MichiganView is a consortium of academic member institutions dedicated to promoting the use and advancing the science of remote sensing technologies in Michigan schools, governments, and industries. MichiganView coordinates programs and services that emphasize remote sensing education, training, and research.
As a state member of AmericaView, MichiganView is part of a nationwide partnership that connects the work of innovative remote sensing scientists and educators from around the country. AmericaView is funded by a grant from the U.S. Geological Survey.
For more information on the AmericaView program, please visit AmericaView.org.
For a map of the state consortium members, please visit AmericaView membership map for more information.
The MI-Environment tool was created to identify areas within the state of Michigan that are most vulnerable to climate change induced stressors. This tool was presented to stakeholders in the state of Detroit to help them plan for future challenges that may be caused by changing climatic conditions.
Developed in an elementary science education setting, to better understand the temperature differences between forested and urban areas, and teach how some of the effects can be mitigated.
This tool was used in elementary science education classes to help inform students about the impact of wind energy on bird migration. The application provides a simple map interface which allows users to compare miratory flyways with wind farm locations.
A geospatial application used in elementary education classes to help students learn more about wolf activity in the state. The interface provides users with the ability to see where wolf-human conflict has occurred in Michigan's Upper Peninsula.
This link contains information on images generated from the MODIS sensors on NASA's Aqua and Terra satellites dating back to December 2008. There are multiple types of images available.
Beginning with the launch of Landsat 1 in 1972, Landsat holds the world record for continuous space-based image acquisition. This page contains links for imagery from Landsat 5, 7, and 8, as well as a calendar showing the dates when the satellites will pass over Michigan.
Administrated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Farm Service Agency (FSA), NAIP imagery is collected during the agricultural growing season for leaf-on aerials. This page includes imagery for each county in Michigan and includes both natural color and color infrared (CIR).
The Great Lakes Border Flight Imagery includes imagery from 2008-2009 encompassing the Great Lakes borders. This dataset is made up of natural color orthoimages, which contain geographic data representing actual ground measurements and coordinates.
This page includes a number of online environmental maps developed by MTRI and other organizations. Examples include water quality, invasive wetland species, and submerged aquatic vegetation.